September 17th, 2024 - Hamburg

Tech SEO Summit - technical SEO conference and industry meetup

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What to expect at the Tech SEO Summit?

  • Nerd conference

    An industry meetup where you can finally nerd out with fellow technical SEOs, a true technical “nerd conference” and networking event for SEO.
  • Pure tech focus

    Six fantastic speakers plus a hands-on tech tip competition between the attendees. Pure tech focused talks, no basics and 45min long sessions.
  • Advanced level

    We recommend that attendees have a very good knowledge of technical SEO or a similar technical area. Otherwise, the talks could be exhausting to follow.
  • Intimate summit

    This will be an intimate event with selected attendees and limited seats, as we have opted for a smaller conference to be able to use more interesting locations.
  • Conference & networking

    One-day conference plus networking dinner included. Due to the focused nature of our summit, we think the exchange among the experienced attendees will be fun.
Photo of Sören Bendig, CEO of Audisto
Sören BendigCEO Audisto

Why do we organize the Tech SEO Summit?

We got inspired by the atmosphere during the last TechSEO Boost, which has been discontinued, and we want to rekindle that feeling.

For our taste, most “advanced” conferences still provide too many basics within the presentations, trying to gather a mixed audience intellectually, and blending all kind of SEO topics. Our idea is to change this and concentrate purely on the technical aspects.

Venues overview

Tech SEO Summit Location Overview. Shows both the cinema and the museum ship at which the summit takes place.