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1. Quitting Engineering to Pursue Art Full-Time (staysketchy.com)
72 points by Tomte 2 hours ago | hide | 31 comments
2. The File Filesystem (2021) (mgree.github.io)
111 points by wegwerff 2 hours ago | hide | 23 comments
3. Pyinfra: Automate Infrastructure Using Python (pyinfra.com)
295 points by InitEnabler 6 hours ago | hide | 120 comments
4. Level of Gaussians: Real-Time View Synthesis for Square Meters (zju3dv.github.io)
16 points by corysama 1 hour ago | hide | 2 comments
5. Alice's adventures in a differentiable wonderland (sscardapane.it)
94 points by tosh 3 hours ago | hide | 30 comments
6. Show HN: I made a CLI tool to create web extensions with no build configuration (github.com/cezaraugusto)
214 points by cezaraugustodev 6 hours ago | hide | 48 comments
7. How ECMO Is Redefining Death (newyorker.com)
55 points by _xerces_ 2 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
8. Printing Music with CSS Grid (cruncher.ch)
4 points by speckx 9 minutes ago | hide | 1 comment
9. Pydantic Logfire (pydantic.dev)
68 points by ellieh 4 hours ago | hide | 33 comments
10. Run0, a systemd based alternative to sudo, announced (mastodon.social)
89 points by CoolCold 5 hours ago | hide | 319 comments
11. The IMEI Code: Your phone’s other number (tedium.co)
81 points by shortformblog 6 hours ago | hide | 37 comments
12. Arti: A Tor Implementation in Rust (torproject.net)
20 points by acheong08 2 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
13. Ego (YC W24) Is Hiring a Senior Game Developer (Unreal Engine) (ycombinator.com)
3 hours ago | hide
14. Good enough is good enough (2013) (europython.eu)
31 points by hypertexthero 3 hours ago | hide | 14 comments
15. Tour of CLIPS (2022) (ryjo.codes)
22 points by ryjo 5 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
16. Calendar types in watches (arslan.io)
59 points by farslan 6 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
17. Crash-only software: More than meets the eye (2006) (lwn.net)
24 points by hui-zheng 4 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
18. Show HN: I Built a Java IDE for iPad (apps.apple.com)
44 points by coolius 5 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
19. Chip-8 on the COSMAC VIP: The Character Set (laurencescotford.net)
5 points by hggh 1 hour ago | hide | discuss
20. Enzymes open new path to universal donor blood (dtu.dk)
21 points by gnabgib 4 hours ago | hide | discuss
21. US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana (apnews.com)
330 points by JacobHenner 3 hours ago | hide | 364 comments
22. Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go (github.com/borgo-lang)
206 points by manx 5 hours ago | hide | 161 comments
23. Autoscale Kubernetes workloads on any cloud using any event (kedify.io)
30 points by innovate 3 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
24. Run llama3 locally with 1M token context (ollama.com)
22 points by mritchie712 39 minutes ago | hide | discuss
25. Show HN: Roast my SQLite encryption at-rest (github.com/ncruces)
42 points by ncruces 11 hours ago | hide | 14 comments
26. Applying the Facade Pattern on Spotify for Artists (atspotify.com)
14 points by cebert 7 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
27. CloudGoat (github.com/rhinosecuritylabs)
90 points by udev4096 12 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
28. Probing electron spin states at much higher resolution and efficiency (phys.org)
17 points by PaulHoule 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
29. Crunchy Bridge for Analytics: Your Data Lake in PostgreSQL (crunchydata.com)
50 points by tosh 4 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
30. Cressi Nepto for Subsurface (sjaeckel.github.io)
7 points by jaeckel 5 hours ago | hide | discuss

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